The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

City of Sydney Council meets tonight to discuss the future of the Dictionary of Sydney

Mrs Daisy Larkin, postwoman on horse, Jannali 1954, National Archives of Australia, C4078, N5539
The City of Sydney Council meets tonight, so there's still time to email or call (details below) and congratulate them on their support of the Dictionary of Sydney thusfar, and to urge them to release the full set of funds voted in 2011 so that the valuable work of the Dictionary can continue. Releasing part of the money as proposed by the City this week only puts off the inevitable and will only allow the Dictionary to continue operating until October. The Dictionary of Sydney Trust seeks the City's support of its short-term financial sustainability for the next twelve months and for the following two years in order to give it the stability and the space to work consistently on developing new partnerships that will support its long-term sustainability. The Dictionary of Sydney team would like to thank everybody who has already contacted the Council and those who have sent us messages of encouragement and support. It is great to know the Dictionary is so widely and warmly regarded. Express your support for the project by writing TODAY to: Clover Moore MP, Lord Mayor of Sydney Tel: 02 9265 9229 Email: Monica Barone, CEO City of Sydney Email: and the current councillors of the City of Sydney: Phillip Black Tel: 02 9246 7719 Email: John McInerney Tel: 02 9265 9706 Email: Di Tornai Tel: 02 9265 9836 Email: Robert Kok Tel: 02 9265 9966 Email: Chris Harris Tel: 02 9265 9678 Email: Irene Doutney Tel: 02 9265 9700 Email: Meredith Burgmann Tel: 02 9265 9515 Email: Shayne Mallard Tel: 02 9265 9148 Email: A financial contribution towards the Dictionary's work is another tangible expression of support. Thank you to those who have donated in the past week. Please consider making a donation today to keep the Dictionary operating. All donations are tax deductible, and can be made by using the Everyday Hero site or sending a cheque, made payable to the Dictionary of Sydney Trust and sent to: Attention:  Victoria Keighery Dictionary of Sydney Trust GPO Box 1591 Sydney NSW 2001  