The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Grab your partners for the Balmain Polka

Listen to Lisa and Sean on 2SER here
Music has always been an integral form of community entertainment. Dance music and songs are part of our popular culture today, and the same was true of Sydney in the 19th century and a flourishing music publishing industry brought sheet music into the homes of the upper and middle classes. An interesting musical family in Sydney were the Spagnolettis. Signor Ernesto Spagnoletti (1804-1862) and his son, also Ernesto Spagnoletti (1837-1871) helped shaped musical life in colonial Sydney. Originally from Cremona in Italy (home of Italian violin making), Ernesto senior's father Paolo was a violinist, orchestral leader, and composer who taught violin at the Royal Academy of Music in London. Ernesto senior entered the academy himself in 1825, studying under Henry Bishop and Nicholas Boscha. We've previously highlighted the musical career and scandal of Nicholas Boscha and Anna Bishop (wife of Henry). The Spagnoletti family - Ernesto, his wife Charlotte (also from a musical family) and their six children - migrated to Sydney, arriving in August 1853. Ernesto senior set himself up as a language and musical tutor. He started taking pupils in Italian and English, singing and piano, and was associated with St Stephen's Church at Newtown and later organist at St John's, Bishopthorpe. He must have been delighted when his former teacher Nicholas Boscha and fellow-student Anna Bishop turned up in Australia for a tour in 1855-56. Ernesto performed with Anna Bishop in her Sydney concerts in December 1855. Sadly he also presided over the music at Bochsa's funeral in January 1856. Ernesto senior composed a number of waltzes and polkas that were published in the 1850s, including the New Bazaar Waltz (1854), The Simla Polka (1857), The Woolloomooloo Octave Polka (1858), and The Cornstalk Galop (1859).The song Cooey! An Australian Song (1860) had lyrics written by 'An Australian Lady', a singer named Jane Messiter, and was performed by his daughter Nina Spagnoletti. I think my favourite is the song Your Willie has returned dear (1859). Ernesto junior followed in his father's footsteps. He too was a professor of music, pianist, vocalist, organist, and composer. The son took a distinctly patriotic approach to his musical compositions, celebrating the developing Sydney suburbs and the lovely ladies therein. With the wonders of digitisation, we can now all learn to play and enjoy The Balmain Polka (1857) - which was "Respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Balmain" - along with the Woolloomooloo Schottische - "respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Woolloomooloo" - (1858; second edition 1860), The Sydney Schottische - "dedicated to Miss Brown of Balmain" - (1860), The Sydney volunteers polka (1861), and the St.Leonards Schottische (1862), the latter features on the cover of the sheet music a lovely coloured view across the harbour. Ernesto junior also composed An Australian Christmas Song (1863) which celebrates the sun, birds and flowers. I think all Australians should learn this song:
Ausmusic month
Australian music
Balmain Polka
Christmas Song
Lisa Murray
musical history
Sean Britten
sydney history
Tess Connery