Merrylands School of Arts building School of Arts hall 1917 - Community hall built 1917-25 with the help of Premier Jack Lang. It was transferred to Holroyd Council in 1982 and later used as a youth centre. Locate -33.835617665402, 150.98604020475 Milestone Constructed 1917 - 1922 {"name":"Constructed","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>1917<\/span><span class='separator'> - <\/span><span class='date'>1922<\/span>"},"date_start":"1917","date_end":"1922"} Type School of Arts hall {"name":"School of Arts hall","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'><\/span>"},"date_start":null,"date_end":null}