The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Wednesday August 15th 1787, from the journal of private marine John Easty on the Scarborough
Transcript: Wedensday August the 15th 1787
This day a cort martial held on bord this Ship on the Body of James Lee for Disebedence of orders Sentanced 100 Lashes & Luke hines for fighten with Thos Bullmer Sentenced 200 Lashes received 150 forgiven the rest
Sattaday August the 18th thick Clowdy weather this day James Lee recievd 100 Lashes Prive to his Sentance on the 15th in Slant Luke hines put of by Sieli being Sick Compleated wartering the Ship
Sunday August the 19th Clear weather this day the Revd Mr Jonstone Priched a sormon on board this Ship all the officers from the fleatt attinding Devine Service

From the collections of the
(from John Easty - Journal, 1786-1793. Titled `Pt Jno Easty A Memorandum of the Transa[ ] of a Voiage [sic] from England to Botany Bay in The Scarborough transport Captn Marshall Commander kept by me your humble Servan[ ] John Easty marine wich [sic] began 1787', November 1786 - May 1793) (Dixson Library)