The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Sailors, Spies and Sydney Stairs

Listen to the audio of Minna and Tess on 2SER here
The hive of human activity on these stairs over the decades has inspired artists, writers and filmmakers to try and distill its essence. In 1944, Sali Herman won the Wynne Prize for his landscape painting which was swept up in the ‘drama of a formidable staircase [and] how it can diminish human scale’ 1 while John Olsen tried to capture the ‘the urban pulse of the steps as a transitional zone where sailors, soldiers and drunks made their way to the bright lights of Kings Cross’.2 However perhaps one of the most intriguing uses of the stairway was its role in a Cold War espionage case. In 1962 Ivan Fedorovich Skripov, First Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Australia, concealed an aluminium message container in one of the balustrades. It was meant to be collected by another operative ‘Sylvia’. Skripov had already used other Sydney public spaces to plant messages for her, including at a water meter under Sydney Harbour Bridge and a grave in one of Sydney’s cemeteries. Written with invisible ink, the messages had to be developed using a solution based on chemical crystals contained in pill capsules. Copies of the messages leading to the McElhone Stairs are held in the National Archives, with one reading: "Glad to have your answer in time. Urgently need your help. Please collect container on the first landing of the McElhone Stairs on the way from Victoria Street to Cowper Wharf Road, Woollomooloo (Repeat – McElhone Stairs)."
Developed secret writing on reverse side of letter dated 17th September, 1962 that was given to ASIO agent by Ivan Fedorovich Skripov, First Secretary, Russian embassy , courtesy of National Archives of Australia (A432, 1963/2272, Photo 11A, Barcode: 8162303)
2SER Breakfast
Cold War
Jennifer Preston
McElhone Stairs
Minna Muhlen Schulte
Tess Connery