Inquiry into gambling among the Chinese community and its links with police corruption.
Date of event
{"name":"Date of event","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>1891<\/span>"},"date_start":"1891-01-01","date_end":"1891-01-01"}
Royal Commission on alleged Chinese gambling and immorality and charges of bribery against members of the police force
{"name":"Alternate","target":"","target_text":"Royal Commission on alleged Chinese gambling and immorality and charges of bribery against members of the police force","date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'><\/span>"},"date_start":null,"date_end":null}
Called at a time when anti-Chinese feeling was high, the Royal Commission took care to inquire into the real situation of Chinese Sydneysiders, and came up with a report that provides a detailed view of life in the community.