The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Boongaree chief of the Broken Bay tribe and his wife Matora 1820

From the collections of the
(from the 'Voyage of Captain Bellingshausen to the Antarctic Seas, 1819-1821' 'Dvukratnye izyskanii͡a v I͡Uzhnom Ledovitom okeani͡e i plavanii͡e vokrug svi͡eta, v prodolzhenii 1819 20 i 21 godov : sovershennyi͡a na shli͡upakh Vostoki͡e i Mirnom, pod nachals̓tvom Kapitana Bellinsgauzena, Komandira Shli͡upa Vostoka. Shli͡upom Mirnym nachal'stoval Leĭtenant Lazarev', Sanktpeterburg : Tip. I. Glazunova, 1831.)