The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Headstone of Hugh McDonald, Devonshire Street Cemetery c1900
On 11 September 1819, The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser reported the death of Hugh McDonald as follows:
Death—On Thursday morning last, in the 36th year of his age, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude and patience, Mr. HUGH McDONALD, Quarter-master of the 46th Regt. leaving an amiable widow and four children to deplore his early fate. Mr. McDONALD was much and justly respected by the Regiment to which he belonged. He left it a few months ago at Madras, in order to come hither for his wife and family, whom he was obliged to leave behind him when the 46th embarked for India. In respect to the memory of this worthy man, HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, and nearly all the principal Officers (Civil and Military), and Gentlemen of Sydney, attended the funeral at one o'clock this day. We noticed, also, several ribbons on the breasts of the Gentlemen, to mark the memory of the deceased as that of a good & worthy Brother Mason. The 48th Regiment attended, and the usual military procession and honors were paid on the mournful occasion, whilst the body itself was borne to the grave by a detachment of the 46th Regt. which happens to be here at this time on its way to India. The interment took place in the new burial ground (being the first there), at the instance of the deceased, who had repeatedly, during his illness, expressed a desire to that effect.
After the Devonshire Street cemetery was resumed to make way for Central Railway Station, his remains, and those of his wife Mary, were reinterred in St Jude's cemetery, Randwick in late 1901, in the Coulson family tomb. The headstone was unfortunately broken during the removal and is also apparently in the tomb.