The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
A broadcasting party who descended nearly 3000 feet below Sydney Harbour, Balmain August 1926
A broadcasting party was afforded an interesting experience on Sunday, when, in conjunction with Farmer's broadcasting service, a programme of vocal and instrumental items was transmitted from the depths of the Sydney Harbour Colliery. About 60 people assembled at the pit-mouth at Balmain and were lowered to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of over 2800 feet. Here several selections were broadcast by the 17th Area B Military Band. Members of the Sydney Harmonic Male Voice Choir rendered solo and choral selections from a point near the coal face, three-quarters of a mile from the entrance to the main drive, and nearly 3000 feet below the surface of the harbour. Despite the illumination afforded by the electric safety lamps with which the party had been provided, a certain eeriness was not dispelled until the silence was broken by the lusty male voices. Even then the incongruity of the situation became apparent only when one realised that, far above, busy ferries were plying their accustomed routes.