The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
5748 results found containing the search terms.
Busby's Bore
The access point to Busby's Bore, at Victoria Barracks, Paddington.
Lucas, Nathaniel
Convict, carpenter, miller, trader and family man, Nathaniel Lucas made good in the colony and founded a large family.
Agar Steps
Originally known as Flagstaff Steps, Agar Steps are located on the western side of Observatory Hill and connect Kent Street and Upper Fort Street.
Fort Denison
Originally a rocky island used as a place of punishment for convicts, Fort Denison was built over and renamed when fortifications were constructed there in the mid-nineteenth century in an attempt to protect the city from seaborne invasion. Though the fort was never used for…
Goold, Stephen Styles
A painter and glazier who rose to Mayor and member of Parliament, SS Goold was also a deeply religious man.