The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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Sydney's Royal Easter Show
wp-image-12160 alley at the Royal Sydney Easter Show 1957 By Raymond Morris. Contributed by National Museum of Australia [Slide 164, via NMA's Flickr set] (Raymond Morris Collection, courtesy of the photographer)600386/> Sideshow alley at the Royal Sydney Easter Show 1957…

Colonial scandal and murder
John Jenkins 1834. By John Gardiner Austin. Contributed by National Library There is nothing like reading about a colourful historical figure to remind ourselves how rich and complicated our society actually is. This week I was struck by the story of…

Flashback to Sydney’s original trams
wp-image-11038 Harvey, John Henry. Pedestrians and tram on George Street c1910. Image courtesy of the State Library of Victoria [H92.150/143] 470454/> By John Henry Harvey, Pedestrians and tram on George Street c1910. Image courtesy of the State Library of Victoria…
Sydney's 'pissoirs' and public lavatories
Men's convenience, Taylor Square c1934. Contributed by City of Sydney Archives 02020262, NSCA CRS 538, Cleansing Department photographs, 1929-1939 It’s a thing we all need, take for granted and is perhaps one of the more awkward topics to discuss, but when…
Law and order in Sydney
The Labor Crisis - the riot in George Street 19 September 1890. Image courtesy of the State Library of Victoria, IAN01/10/90/1 Monday marked the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, or the Great Charter, which has been widely recognised as the most…
New perspectives on Aboriginal Sydney
Petition from Maria Lock re: land grant 1831, page 1. 1831. By Lock, Maria. Contributed by State Records New South Wales [NRS 907 2/7908, page 1 of 3 The Dictionary of Sydney has a large number of articles, images and information…
Sydney's love affair with film
Sound technicians setting up turntable and amplifiers for first talkies in Australia, 'Jazz Singer' at the Lyceum Theatre 1928. By Hood, Sam. From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales, hood_07666 / Home and Away 7666, Mitchell…
Arthur K Syer, Capturing everyday life on Sydney streets
Chinese labourers c1885-90 By Syer, Arthur K. From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales, a844023 / PXA 394/23, 1885 - 1890 Photography is an amazing medium. In certain frames it can give us a candid glimpse of…
Dictionary of Sydney launches new First Fleet histories
The Supply at anchor, and the Sirius with her convoy coming into Botany Bay 20 January 1788 (detail) by Charles Gore, 1789 courtesy Dixson Galleries, State Library of New South Wales (a2060001 / DG V1A/8) Today I was pleased to help…
Creative responses to history
Seher Aydinlik, In Our Hearts (Postcards Series), 2015. Mixed media on paper. Image courtesy Peacock Gallery, Auburn Arts Studio. Anniversaries and events often prompt us to reflect on historical narratives. Not just what happened, but also the historical meanings of events,…