The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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Mark Dunn, The Convict Valley: the bloody struggle on Australia’s early frontier
Mark Dunn, The Convict Valley: the bloody struggle on Australia’s early frontier Allen & Unwin, 294 pp., ISBN: 9781760528645, p/bk, AUS$32.99 Mark Dunn opens his history of the Hunter Valley, The Convict Valley, with an observation from Lieutenant John Shortland. The naval…

Living Language: Country, Culture, Community
Dawes' notebooks on display in the Living Language exhibition at the State Library of New South Wales As part of the UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages, there's a fascinating exhibition on right now at the State Library of New South…

Koori Knockout
PIX article on the Redfern All Blacks 'Aboriginal Footballers' 1946, PIX, 5 October 1946 p28 This week is NAIDOC week, and as it happens, the decider for the State of Origin rugby league, so what better topic then the Koori Knockout…

Redfern Park and Oval, one of Sydney's most important public spaces
Aerial view of Redfern Park and Redfern Oval 1949, courtesy City of Sydney Archives (CRS1132/79) This week the Minister for Environment and Heritage announced that Redfern Park and Oval would be included on the State Heritage Register, a list of heritage…

No ordinary woman
Petition from Maria Lock re: land grant 1831. By Maria Lock. Contributed by State Records New South Wales, NRS 907 2/7908, page 1 of 3 As part of NAIDOC week, this morning on 2SER Breakfast Lisa spoke to Mitch about an…