The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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St James tunnels
Drawing by Bradfield of Interior of St James' Underground Railway Station, Sydney 1926, reproduced in a supplement to Building magazine, 11 September 1926 There is nothing people like more than a secret tunnel. And while a lot of people have heard…

Death of the Monorail
Sydney Monorail 6 September 2009 via Flickr (pbutke (CC BY 2.O)) I remember the childhood joy of riding the old Sydney monorail – a single-loop that connected Darling Harbour, Chinatown and the Sydney central business and shopping districts. You had to…

Sharon Hudgins (ed), Food on the Move: Dining on the Legendary Railway Journeys of the World
Sharon Hudgins (ed), Food on the Move: Dining on the Legendary Railway Journeys of the World Reaktion Books / NewSouth Books, 2019, 256 pp., ISBN: 9781789140071, h/bk, AUS$49.99 Editor Sharon Hudgins has curated nine tales of food and travel, in Food on…

Sydney's City Circle
The Great Excavator, Building magazine, 12 October 1923, p107 This week saw a massive overhaul of Sydney's public transport timetables, and this, along with the ongoing construction works around the city and suburbs have left many of us feeling a bit…

All aboard for Sydney's railway history
No1 Mortuary Railway station, Rookwood Cemetery - funeral train in station c1870 Pic: State Records New South Wales (17420_a014_a014000306) The railways are a quintessential part of Sydney. Railway historian Bob McKillop argues that they shaped the commerce and suburbs of Sydney…