The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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True brew
William Bowra, Kent Brewery cellar foreman c1925. Tooth & Company Ltd collection, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University Archives (Z223-10-13) In 1835, two brewers, John Tooth and his brother-in-law Charles Newnham, established a new brewery on the outskirts of the…

Max Allen, Intoxicating: Ten Drinks that Shaped Australia
Max Allen, Intoxicating: Ten Drinks that Shaped Australia Thames & Hudson, July 2020, 242 pp. (plus a further reading list), ISBN: 9781760761004, p/bk, AUS$32.99 Well-regarded wine writer Max Allen takes readers on a grand tour of some of the most important drinks…

Temperance and the ‘evils of tight lacing’: Susan Beckett
Diagram of Susan Beckett's Bust and Shoulder Supporter in her application to the United States Patent Office, April 1896 (Patent No: US557945) With International Women’s Day and the All About Women festival in the past week, there have been some great…

The Liquor Referendum and the Six O'Clock Swill
Liquor Referendum sign and advertisements, Surry Hills June 1916, City of Sydney Archives (NSCA CRS 51/1831) Back in February we chatted about the Liverpool Soldiers Riot in 1916. The riot, which started as a protest against camp conditions, caught the military…