The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Sydney's rainbow crossing

Rainbow Crossing, Oxford Street at Railway Square. By Hicks, Megan. Contributed by Megan Hicks Around this time in 2013 the business of the Rainbow Crossing on Oxford Street at Taylor Square came to a head. It followed a decision in 2012…

Pedestrian crossings in Sydney

Pedestrians crossing at corner of Market and Pitt streets 1929. Contributed by City of Sydney Archives 034213 We have two excellent articles on the Dictionary by writer and curator Megan Hicks: Reading the Roads and The Decorated Footpath. So we were…

Anzac bridge turns 20

New Glebe Island Bridge under construction 19 September 1995. Contributed by National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12549240-94 This morning on 2SER Breakfast I spoke to Mitch about the history of the Anzac bridge. Next week, on 9 April, marks its 20th anniversary,…

The right to vote

Maybanke Wolstenholme (later Anderson) c1890. By Mitchell & Co. From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales, SPF P1/A, Mitchell Library With the NSW election this weekend, we thought we would take a look at the history of…

Centennial Park

Centennial Park c1895. 1893-1897 Contributed by National Library of Australia nla.pic-vn4469751-s32 This morning Dictionary Chair Paul Aston joined Mitch Byatt on 2SER Breakfast to talk about the history of Centennial Park. Once a sandy, swampy wasteland, Centennial Park is the largest urban…