The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Springfield c1900 Media
Springfield College Entity
Springfield house Entity
Springfield Lodge Entity
Springwood Entity
Springwood Entity
Springwood Ladies College Entity
Springwood School of Arts hall Entity
Sprod, Charles Entity
Spruce, Frank Entity
Spruiker Again #2, Kings Cross 1975 Media
Squalid houses in Batson's Lane 1900 Media
Square piano by Collard & Collard made for Francis Ellard, Sydney c1835-37 Media
Squire's Brewery, Kissing Point Media
Squire, James Entity
SS Burra Bra Entity
SS Champion Entity
SS City of Sydney Entity
SS Felton Bank Entity
SS Frankfurt Entity
SS Goolgwai Entity
SS Governor Blackall, merchant ship Media
SS Heroic Entity
SS Heroine Entity
SS Malolo Entity
SS Malta off Macquarie Fort c1848-1858 Media
SS Minmi Entity
SS Minmi shipwreck site Entity
SS Mortlake Bank Entity
SS Orontes Entity
SS Persic Entity
SS Strathleven Entity
SS Tekapo Entity
SS Victoria Entity
SS Willochra Entity
St Alban's Anglican church Lindfield Entity
St Alban's Anglican church Ultimo Entity
St Albans Entity
St Albans Common Entity
St Albans School of Arts hall Entity
St Albans Writers Festival Entity
St Albans, MacDonald River 1879 Media
St Aloysius College Entity
St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral 1872 Media
St Andrew's Anglican church Lane Cove Entity
St Andrew's Cathedral Entity
St Andrew's Cathedral 1847 Media
St Andrew's cathedral, corner of George and Bathurst Streets, January 1858 Media
St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney c1895 Media
St Andrew's Church of England School Seven Hills Entity