The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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A matter of life and death β the coroner in New South Wales
17 June 2021 The role of the coroner in New South Wales has existed for 234 years β longer, in fact, than the state itself. On 2 April 1787, Governor Arthur Phillip was granted the powers βto constitute and appoint justices…

The first woman hanged in Sydney
David Collins records the death of Ann Davis in An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1798, p86 On 23 November 1789, Ann Davis became the first woman hanged in New South Wales. Listen to Rachel and Alex…
Law and order in Sydney
The Labor Crisis - the riot in George Street 19 September 1890. Image courtesy of the State Library of Victoria, IAN01/10/90/1 Monday marked the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, or the Great Charter, which has been widely recognised as the most…