The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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Darlinghurst Gaol and the National Art School
Entrance to Darlinghurst Gaol 1887, Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW (SPF/169) Darlinghurst Gaol, on the hill at the top of Oxford Street, is one of the largest standing colonial projects left in Sydney, and yet, many Sydneysiders barely notice it…

Deborah Beck, Rayner Hoff: The Life of a Sculptor
Deborah Beck, Rayner Hoff: The Life of a Sculptor. NewSouth Publishing, NSW: 2017 272 pages. Ills. (B/W and sepia) ISBN: 9781742235325 (paperback); 978174228080 (ePDF). RRP A$49.99 As ANZAC day approaches on 25 April 2017, commemorative services will be held around Australia. Many…