The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

Browse Organisations

View content in list, type
Title Type
Innoxa Commercial organisation
Institute of Clinical Pathology Scientific organisation
Institute of Early Childhood Educational institution
Institute of Forensic Medicine State or colonial government
Institute of Radio Engineers of Australia Professional body
Institute of Technical and Adult Teacher Education Educational institution
Insurance Companies Fire Brigade Commercial organisation
Intercolonial Investment Land and Building Company Commercial organisation
International College of Management Sydney Educational institution
International Harvester Company of Australia Pty Ltd Commercial organisation
International Order of Co-Freemasonry Sydney Lodge Cultural organisation
Ipoh Pty Ltd Commercial organisation
Irish Language School Educational institution
Irish National Association Cultural organisation
Irish National League Political organisation
Isaac & Joseph Roff Commercial organisation
Islamic Council of New South Wales Religious organisation
Istra Social and Sports Club Sporting club or association
Italian Benevolent Society Philanthropic organisation
Italian Cultural Institute Cultural organisation
Italian Workingman's Benefit Society Cultural organisation
Italo-Australian Club Club
Italo-Australian Welfare Association Cultural organisation
Ithacan Brotherhood Club
J & A Brown Industrial organisation
J & N Tait Concert Management Commercial organisation
J & T Fenwick Commercial organisation
J and E Dawson Commercial organisation
J and E Leathem Commercial organisation
J Bayley and Sons Industrial organisation
J C Hutton Pty Ltd Commercial organisation
J Macintosh & Sons Commercial organisation
J. Walter Thomson Commercial organisation
JA Hemphill & Sons Pty Ltd Commercial organisation
Jade Tree Gift Shop Commercial organisation
Jadran tambouritsa band Performing group
James Bonner and Sons Commercial organisation
James Hardie & Company Commercial organisation
James Ruse Agricultural High School Educational institution
James Sandy and Co Commercial organisation
Jantzen (Australia) Ltd Commercial organisation
Jazz Action Society Society or association
JC Howard Commercial organisation
JC Ludowici & Son Industrial organisation
JC Williamson Commercial organisation
Jessie Street National Womens Library Library
Jewel Box Entertainment venue
Jewish Communal Appeal Philanthropic organisation
JH Williams & Co Commercial organisation
John Alden Company Cultural organisation