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Transcript: Mr Stanley and Mrs Amy Everett remember their wine growing neighbours in Chipping Norton
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Mr Stanley Everett and Mrs Amy Everett, [media]interviewed in 1986 for the 'Looking Back at Liverpool: An Oral History of the Liverpool Region 1900 to 1960' project, remember wine growers in their neighbourhood in Chipping Norton in the early twentieth century.
INTERVIEWER: Did you have much to do with your neighbours at Chipping Norton?
STANLEY: Well, they were all in and out of one another's houses like relations, you know. Didn't make much difference did it?
AMY: Yes, I think everybody knew everybody there.
STANLEY: You know you could wander down to Alec Findley's of a night and imbibe some of the local product, and have a yarn.
AMY: Haerses had a place sort of at the back of where Don lived, they used to make wine, on Riverside Road.
STANLEY: They used to make their own wine too. Ron Pearson's father used to make his own wine, that was Ern Pearson. Alec Findley, that was Reg Findley's father, he used to make his own wine, he used to have a beautiful wine down there. And you could buy a quart for two bob [two shillings], a bit different to what you pay for it today. You'd go down there and you'd try all the various varieties and so forth, and say 'Righto, I'll have a quart of that one and a quart of that one', then you'd go home, [you got the wine] for four shillings you see. But it was a very friendly place. [1]
Catherine Johnson (ed). Looking Back at Liverpool: An Oral History of the Liverpool Region 1900–1960 (Liverpool: Liverpool City Council, 1986).
[1] Mr Stanley Everett and Mrs Amy Everett, interviewed for Looking Back at Liverpool: An Oral History of the Liverpool Region 1900–1960 project, Liverpool City Library, audio, Liverpool, 1986.