Convict who witnessed and contributed significantly to the growth of the colony, experiencing both comfort and hardship as she raised a large family.
Arrived Sydney
26 Jan 1788
{"name":"Arrived Sydney","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>26 Jan 1788<\/span>"},"date_start":"1788-01-26","date_end":"1788-01-26"}
10 Jun 1830
{"name":"Died","target":"","target_text":"Tasmania","date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>10 Jun 1830<\/span>"},"date_start":"1830-06-10","date_end":"1830-06-10"}
Founder of a large and successful colonial family, Olivia Gascoigne teamed up with Nathaniel Lucas, convict and carpenter, soon after her arrival in the colony, and together they did well, despite hardships and tragedy.