Wealthy waterfront suburb located on the north west slope of the Balmain peninsula. It is named after Birch Grove House, home of John Birch, paymaster of the 73rd Regiment.
{"name":"Part of","target":"Leichhardt local government area","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'><\/span><span class='separator'> - <\/span><span class='date'>2016<\/span>"},"date_start":null,"date_end":"2016-01-01"}
{"name":"Part of","target":"Inner West local government area","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>2016<\/span><span class='separator'> - <\/span><span class='date'><\/span>"},"date_start":"2016-01-01","date_end":null}
Attempts to mine the coal under Sydney started in the 1870s but, despite the efforts of several companies and a miners' cooperative, the Balmain Colliery was never a commercially successful producer of coal or gas and finally closed in 1950.