The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Page from the journal kept by marine John Easty on the Scarborough, covering 15 February - 8 March 1788
Transcription: Friday Feb the 15th 1788 this morning the Sentances of the Court held yesturday put into Excution 2 Wemen recievd 25 Lashes Each for theft att the Carts tail and one man 45 for theft att the Carts taill Wedansday Febrv the 27 1788 this day the Crimenall Cortt adjurnd Cast for Death 3 men Thos Barret Excuted this Evning the others repreved Henry Lowel & Jas Hall to be Banished of the Land for Life on a Desolate Land Sattaday March the 8th 1788 this Night about 1/2 past 8 oclock I was Confined by Serjt Hume for bringing a feameale Convict into Camp

From the collections of the
(from 'John Easty - Journal, 1786-1793. Titled `Pt Jno Easty A Memorandum of the Transa[ ] of a Voiage [sic] from England to Botany Bay in The Scarborough transport Captn Marshall Commander kept by me your humble Servan[ ] John Easty marine wich [sic] began 1787', November 1786 - May 1793') (Dixson Library)