The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
5748 results found containing the search terms.
Detail of the eastern side of the town from 'Plan de la ville de Sydney' 1802
Key: - 1: Ruisseau [Tank Stream]; 22: Pont [Bridge]; 25: Calle du Gouvernement [Government Street]; 26: Magasin general de Meubles, d'Instrumens &c [Government store (furniture, instruments); 27: Magasin d'Habillements, de Cordages &c [Government store (clothing…
Detail showing the area around the mouth of the Tank Stream from panoramic view of Sydney 1829
Key:- 27: St Phillips; 28: Sydney Hotel; 29: Chief Justices; 30: Colonial Secretary's; 31: Orphan School; 32: Sydney Gazette Office; 33: Military Hospital; 34: Fort Philip; 35: Blue Mountains; 36: Mr Underwood's; 37: Bank of Australia; 38: Gaol; 39: Australian Agricultural…
Group of tennis players made up of students and staff, University of Sydney 1891-2
Iza Coghlan, seated second row, fifth from right: Harriet Biffin, seated second row, third from right