The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Detail of the eastern side of the town from 'Plan de la ville de Sydney' 1802
Key: - 1: Ruisseau [Tank Stream]; 22: Pont [Bridge]; 25: Calle du Gouvernement [Government Street]; 26: Magasin general de Meubles, d'Instrumens &c [Government store (furniture, instruments); 27: Magasin d'Habillements, de Cordages &c [Government store (clothing)] ; 28: Atelier Public [Public school]; 29: Maison et Jardin du Gouvernement [Government House and gardens]; 30: Moulin et Boulangerie du Gouvernment [Government windmill and bakery]; 31: Imprimerie du Gouvernment et de la Gasette de Sydney [Government printing and Sydney Gazette office]

From the collections of the
(Paris : Arthus Bertrand, 1824, Dixson Map Collection)