The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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NAIDOC 2016: Sydney's Aboriginal people
Portrait of Bennelong c1793, attributed to William Waterhouse, State Library of NSW, a1256013 / DG 10, f13 NAIDOC Week 2016 celebrations are in full swing at the moment and the Dictionary of Sydney recently published new articles about Sydney’s Aboriginal past by…
Top ten pages for June in the Dictionary
Front cover of 'Atlas of the Suburbs of Sydney', Part I 1886, Contributed by The Archaeology of Sydney Research Group Map Collection, the University of Sydney We have a lot information in the Dictionary and each month we track our most…
Me-mel or Goat Island
Goat Island - Place of punishment for prisoners 1841. By Garling, Frederick. From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales a352003/DG*D14, f3, Dixson Galleries One of the things that Sydneysiders have traditionally done over the summer period, and…