The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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Julian Leatherdale, Death in the Ladies' Goddess Club
Julian Leatherdale, Death in the Ladies' Goddess Club Allen & Unwin, March 2020, p/bk, ISBN: 9781 76052 963 5, RRP AUD$29.99 Death in the Ladies’ Goddess Club by Julian Leatherdale is set in Sydney in the 1930s and follows Joan Linderman, budding…

Peter Corris, See you at the Toxteth: the best of Cliff Hardy and Corris on crime
Peter Corris, See you at the Toxteth: the best of Cliff Hardy and Corris on crime Selected by Jean Bedford Allen & Unwin, 2019, 323 pp., ISBN: 9781760875633, p/bk, AUS$29.99 Many readers will feel privileged to hold one more book from Peter Corris…

Stephen Knight, Australian Crime Fiction: a 200-year history
Stephen Knight, Australian Crime Fiction: a 200-year history McFarland Books, 2018, 301pp., ISBN: 9781476670867 (p/bk), US$45.00 Stephen Knight’s new work Australian Crime Fiction: a 200-year history is a re-working and critical updating of his seminal text Continent of Mystery: a thematic history of Australian…