The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
An Old Swamp in the City

Listen to Minna and Alex on 2SER here
Traditional owners of Sydney regularly remind us we are a city bound by rivers – including the Cooks River to the south. Feeding into this grand river was the Gumbramorra Creek, that fed in turn the Gumbramorra Swamp, which lies hidden under all the inner west concrete we know and love in Sydenham, St Peters, Marrickville and Tempe. The Gadigal people tapped into this thriving wetland as a rich source wildlife, vegetation and shellfish, but early European residents hated it. In 1790, Watkin Tench complained when he didn’t find rich pastures but instead encountered ‘high coarse rushes, growing in a rotten spongy bog, into which we were plunged knee-deep at every step.’ Other colonists called it a ‘slough of despair.’ The patterns of the swamp were also misunderstood. In wet seasons, it covered a wide area but decreased to half of its size in dry seasons. This misreading was disastrously highlighted by the decision to develop the area. A tramway was constructed along the western boundary of the swamp, now Victoria Road, in 1881 and was a feature used to promote the new Tramvale subdivision. Sales targeted the working class with the promise of increasing land value and employment prospects in the ‘centre of a manufacturing district.’

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2SER Breakfast
Alex James
Cooks River
Gumbramorra Swamp
Minna Muhlen Schulte