The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Demolition of buildings after fire in the city 2 October 1890 Media
Destruction of the City Bank building at 106 Pitt St after the great fire, 2 October 1890 Media
Birchgrove Postcard 9: the headframe and engine winding house of Balmain Colliery c1907 Media
Miles Franklin's waratah cup and saucer c1923 Media
Wambrook, Grey St, Carlton NSW c1950 Media
Miles Franklin's final entry in her diary, 14 September 1954 Media
Page from Miles Franklin's Waratah Book with signatures of artists Pixie O'Harris and Marie McNiven 1950-1951 Media
Susannah Franklin c1930 Media
Miles Franklin c1895 Media
Miles Franklin, Carlton c1950 Media
Cover of the first edition of 'My Brilliant Career' by Miles Franklin 1901 Media
SOS sign to be placed in window if needing assistance during the influenza pandemic in 1918-1919 Media
Annie Wyatt 1941 Media
Katoomba St & Clouds, Katoomba c1908-15 Media
Annie Forsyth Evans with wildflowers at her family's home Girrahween in Manly c1905 Media
Camden village, Sydney in 1842, showing Kirkham windmill and the Cowpastures Media
Dr Iza Coghlan April 1893 Media
Dr Iza Coghlan 1906 Media
A Saline Draught 1868 Media
Part of Sydney & St James' Church from the square called the Race Course, 1844 Media
Hyde Park Barracks c1872 Media
View of old Government House - Sydney - N.S.W. as it appeared when vacated by Sir George Gipps in 1845 Media
Mr Ledger's alpacas and llamas at Sophienburg, the seat of Mr. Atkinson, New South Wales c1859 Media
Plan of the Honble Saul Samuel's estates Collingwood and Sophienberg, 'Narrawa', Liverpool Media
Sophienburg, Liverpool 1880 Media
Collingwood, Liverpool 1880 Media
Blueit, native of Botany Bay, New South Wales; whole-length naked man, except for loin cloth, standing to left, holding a spear and spear-thrower in his right hand, and club in his left 1810 Media
The Sirus & Supply in Jackson's Bay c1789 Media
Florence Holloway's Obstetric Nursing certificate from the Royal Hospital for Women, 18 February 1908 Media
Florence Holloway's Certifcate in Nursing from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, April 1907 Media
Florence Holloway's Certifcate in Nursing from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, April 1907 Media
Nurse sitting on back of horse drawn Sydney Ambulance at the Coast Hospital c1900 Media
Trainee nurse Dorothy Way preparing medicine at Sydney Hospital December 1948 Media
Medical Officers of the School Medical Service 29 June 1925 Media
Dr IF Coghlan 29 June 1925 Media
The Harriett Biffin Pathology Laboratory Plaque at Rachel Forster Hospital 2007 Media
Women medicine students at the University of Sydney 1897 Media
University of Sydney chemistry class, with medical students wearing sashes 1886 Media
Group of tennis players made up of students and staff, University of Sydney 1891-2 Media
Ethel Turner at Girls High School Sydney about 15, 1885 Media
Apium prostratum c1804 Media
Parsley Bay c1890s Media
Parlsey Bay c1930s Media
Parsley Bay c1845 Media
Constructing an air raid shelter at Parsley Bay 30 December 1941 Media
Elevation. Side of St Barnabas church, built by architects Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp, Broadway, Sydney 2016 Media
Remnants of original St Barnabas church which burnt down in 2006, Broadway, Sydney 2016 Media
St Barnabas Church begins to rise again November 2010 Media
St Barney's forecourt 11 May 2012 Media
Alderman Edwin S Sautelle 1915 Media