The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.


View content in list, type
Title Type
Sutton Stairs Steps or stairs
Sutton, Ann
Sutton, Francis
Sutton, Harvey
Sutton, John
Sutton, Melissa Dorcas (Dolly)
Suttor, Francis Bathurst
Suttor, George
Suttor, William Henry
Suvorov Ship
Svitzer Commercial organisation
Swain Gardens Park or open space
Swan Isle House
Swan, John
Swancott, Charles
Swane's Nursery Commercial organisation
Swann, William
Swanton Lodge Hostel
Sweetie Film
Swift Ship
Swift, Ian
Swifts House
Swimming New South Wales Sporting club or association
Swinbourne & Stephen Industrial organisation
Swinbourne, CF
Swindell, Alfred
Syd Howard Fireworks Industrial organisation
Sydenham Suburb
Sydenham drainage pit and pumping station No.001 Dam
Sydneian Magazine or periodical
Sydney Suburb
Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation Sporting venue
Sydney Adventist Hospital Hospital or other health organisation
Sydney Airport Airport or airfield
Sydney Amateur Sailing Club Sporting club or association
Sydney and Melbourne Steam Packet Company Commercial organisation
Sydney and Port Hacking Coal Company Ltd Commercial organisation
Sydney Aquarium Entertainment venue
Sydney Arcade Arcade
Sydney Art Theatre Cultural organisation
Sydney Austral soccer club Sporting club or association
Sydney Balalaika Orchestra Performing group
Sydney Banking Company Commercial organisationBank
Sydney Bicycle Club Sporting club or association
Sydney Boys' High School Educational institution
Sydney Buddhist Centre Religious organisation
Sydney Building Act 1837 Legislation
Sydney Bush Walkers Sporting club or association
Sydney Catchment Authority State or colonial government
Sydney Chamber of Commerce Business association