Dictionary of Sydney

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

Japanese Antarctic expedition 1910-1912

Exploratory expedition to the Antarctic led by Lieutenant Naoshi Shirase. The expedition sailed on a 204 ton, 100 feet long converted wooden fishing boat with an 18-horse-power auxiliary engine, the Kainan Maru, that was captained by Naokichi Nomura. The ship left Tokyo in November 1910, later than had first been planned. Unable to reach the Antarctic mainland due to ice as the southern winter drew in, the expedition harboured in Sydney from 4 May 1911 until the following summer, departing on 19 May 1911. While they did not reach the South Pole, the explorers reached 80° 5 south, and were the first non-Europeans to explore Antarctica.

1910 - 1912
1910 - 1912
1910 - 1912

Japanese Antarctic expedition camp at Parsley Bay 1911


In 1911 a Japanese expedition bound for Antarctica was forced to turn back by bad weather. In May the expedition arrived in Sydney and set up camp in Parsley Bay.