The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Find your way through the Dictionary

A series of blog posts designed to give our readers a guided tour around the Dictionary. Finding your way through the Dictionary  …

New Year's Eve in Sydney

The Dictionary of Sydney team thanks you for your support over the last year, and wishes you a happy and prosperous 2013! You can read more about the history of New Years Eve in Sydney in Hannah Forsyth's entry on the…


Departure of Governor, January 1935, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW hood_23702 As the year draws to a close, the Dictionary of Sydney Trust has had the sad task of farewelling two of our staff, Victoria Keighery and Emma Grahame. The…

Kings Cross

View north from Craigend looking over Woolloomooloo and Port Jackson 1845, by GE Peacock, courtesy Dixson Library, State Library of NSW a140025 / DL 15 In his entry on Kings Cross in the Dictionary, author Mark Dunn says that 'Kings Cross…

We are hiring - Executive Officer

Our wonderful Executive Officer, Victoria Keighery, has decided to move on to bigger and better things, and we are going to miss her very much. We've been pretending it isn't going to happen, but we can't do that for too…

The wearing of the green

The Irish Emigrant by ST Gill, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW PX*D 384, 12 / a1833016 The Dictionary's going green! In one of our exciting new projects, we’ve been lucky enough to work on a joint project to boost…


'Audaciousville : the story of Dacey Garden Suburb, Australia's first public housing estate' by Samantha Sinnayah, City of Botany Bay Council One of our authors and a great supporter of the project, Sam Sinnayah, has just published a book based on…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 8

What could possibly be left to say about the navigation of the Dictionary of Sydney? There are a few things, which I'll wrap up into this final post in our series. Reading the Dictionary on the road Take the Dictionary with you Did…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 7

Click Subjects in the Browse panel In this day and age, when Search is all important and everyone consults Professor Google at the first opportunity, the great virtues and pleasures of a Subject index are a little eclipsed. Not if you are…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 6

There are more pathways into the Dictionary's content, although some of these are still under construction. Working on the footpath upgrade, Pitt Street, July 1999. Contributed by City of Sydney Archives (017625) Browse Roles is one of these byways, giving you a…