The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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New content in the Dictionary

Our usual September regeneration of the site has added another 22,000 words of text, and hundreds of new images, links, entities and more. This rebuild takes the total number of words in Dictionary entries over the magic million mark, (although…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 5

 The demographics edition. You knew we were going to get onto statistics eventually, didn't you? One of the ambitious things about the Dictionary is the way that it aims to become one of the sources about Sydney's history itself, not just…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 4

The people who have written the text, contributed the multimedia and supported the projects of the Dictionary are among our favourite people. You can find out more about them in the Contributors Browse, at the bottom of the right hand…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 3

Let's talk about maps. The Dictionary has many kinds. You will have noticed the maps that appear on entity pages that have geographic information. Here's an example. Darlinghurst entity page, DoSThe blue shape shows the boundaries of the suburb, and is overlaid on…

Hidden journeys, uncovered

Sydney, courtesy of NASA, from Have you ever wondered about the landscape, cities and places you fly over as you travel by air around Australia and the world? Wouldn't it be great to be able to see images and read…

Finding your way through the Dictionary, part 2

So you've read entries, and you've followed some links between entities. What else does the Dictionary have to offer? How about images? Images are connected into entries where they illustrate the stories our authors tell about Sydney's history. In situ, they…

From the ground up

Sydney's historians had an excellent couple of days last week, revelling in the riches of the past at the State Library. The conference, titled From the Ground Up, which has been advertised on our front page for quite a few…

International Lighthouse Weekend

Macquarie Lighthouse elevation by James Barnet, June 1883, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW a2151019 / PXD 784/1 f19 Lighthouses are being celebrated around the world this weekend during International Lighthouse Weekend, a great excuse to check out some of…

Homebush, talking

Local historians are endlessly inventive, and the folks working on the history of Homebush have devised a sort of open-mike history-slam, which is an idea sure to take off. Sydney Evangelistic Crusade preaching outside Homebush Primary School, 1947, contributed by National…

National Bookshop Day

Dymock's Book Arcade on George St c1910, Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW hall_35191 This Saturday, 11 August 2012, is National Bookshop Day, and we're all being encouraged to visit our favourite bookshops and celebrate their role in the community. The Dictionary…