Dictionary of Sydney

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

Eora people

Group of Indigenous clans from the Sydney basin that were united be common language and strong ties of kinship. As coastal dwellers they were skilled at navigation and fishing and had strong spiritual ties to the land, which were broken with the arrival of Europeans. The name is Aboriginal for 'the people'.


Barangaroo and the Eora Fisherwomen

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Barangaroo was one of the powerful figures in Sydney's early history. She had knowledge of laws, teaching and women's rituals and held the respect of Governor Phillip and his officers who were fascinated by the Eora women and their formidable fishing skills.

Governor Phillip and the Eora

CC BY-SA 2.0

What was Governor Arthur Phillip's relationship with the Eora, and other Aboriginal people of the Sydney region? Phillip's policies, actions and responses have tended to be seen as a proxy for the Europeans in Australia as whole, just as his friend, the Wangal warrior Woolarawarre Bennelong’s allegedly tragic life has for so long personified the fate of Aboriginal people since 1788. To fully imagine those early years, we must see them through the twin lenses of British and Eora perspective and experience to glimpse what was happening, and why. This allows a nuanced and complex view, and the banishment once and for all the notion that there can be only one 'right' story.