Affluent northern residential suburb, named after an Aboriginal word meaning 'big hill'. Its height above sea level means it receives the highest rainfall in metropolitan Sydney.
{"name":"Born","target":"Brereton, John Le Gay (1871\u20131933)","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>03 Sep 1871<\/span>"},"date_start":"1871-09-03","date_end":"1871-09-03"}
{"name":"Part of","target":"Ku-ring-gai local government area","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'><\/span>"},"date_start":null,"date_end":null}
Traditional country of the Terremerregal people, Turramurra was mainly farms and orchards until the railway opened it up for commuters in 1890. Reputed to have a climate 'as bracing as the Blue Mountains', it attracted well-off residents who built elegant homes.