The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Petition from Maria Lock re: land grant 1831, page 1
Transcript: To His Excellency Lieut. General Darling, Governor on Chief of New South Wales and its Dependencies.
The Petition of Maria Lock, an Aboriginal Native of New South Wales. Humbly Sheweth
-That on the first establishment of the Native Institution by His Excellency Governor Macquarie, your Petitioner, then a Child, was Placed there by her father the Chief of the Richmond Tribes.
-That Petitioner continued in the School Till she was married to Robert Lock, with whom She has ever since lived, and by whom she has had Two Children.
-That at the time they were married your Petitioner was promised a small Grant of Land, And a Cow as a Marriage Portion.
-That she has since received a Cow, which Has increased to five head, but has never Received any Land.