The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Sentences handed down to Thomas Berington and Elizabeth O'Brien by W Broughton, the magistrate in the Sydney Court of Criminal Jurisdiction on 29 June 1814
Transcription: Thomas Bevington, a carpenter, between 70 and 80 years of age, was next convicted of stealing several carpenter's tools, the property of Samuel Haslam, of the Parramatta Road. Sen-tenced six months confinement in Parramatta gaol.
Elizabeth O'Brien stood next indicted, for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling- house of Thomas Fuller, at Parramatta, on the night or early in the morning of the 26th of March last, and stealing therefrom about 20 yards of calico, value 20s. the sale of which in various fragments was by evidence traced immediately to the prisoner at the bar : She was accordingly found Guilty ; but although the offence was capital in the eye of the Law, yet the Court, from the consideration of the offence being unaccompanied by any of those terrors to the injured persons which rank the crime of burglary among the more direful and abominable species of offences, had thought proper to remit the capital part of the charge ; but finding it necessary at the same time to deter others from similar acts of dishonesty by the force of example, had found her guilty of the stealing, and adjudged that she should stand in the pillory at Parramatta on the 7th of July next, between the hours of 9 and 10 in the forenoon, for one hour, and be kept 5 years to hard labour.