The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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The Santas of Sydney’s Christmas Past
Little boy sitting on Santa's lap at Roselands December 1969 , National Archives of Australia (A1200, L85978) Some of us still have the photos taken of us crying, having a tantrum or terrified while perched on the knee of the strange…

Sydney through a novelist's eyes
Ruth Park, pre 1947, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW (P1/Park, Ruth) Melbourne claims to be the City of Literature, but this week Sydney is all things literary as we settle into the Sydney Writer's Festival. Listen to the whole…

Tilly Devine: a formidable crime figure
Matilda Devine criminal record number 659LB, 27 May 1925, Long Bay Gaol. NSW Department of Prisons, Justice & Police Museum, Sydney LIving Museums Record no: 35694 Last week on 2SER, Nicole chatted about Kate Leigh the sly-grog queen, so it seemed only…