The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Chard's Building Entity
Chard, John Entity
Chard, William Henry Entity
Charing Cross Entity
Charing Cross Hotel Entity
Charity and philanthropy Entry
Charity Point Entity
Charkianakis, Stylianos Entity
Charles Cowper's Ministry, 1859 Media
Charles E Wakeford Contributor
Charles Eaton Entity
Charles Gordon's horse mill Entity
Charles H Bertie 1930 Media
Charles H Bertie 1952 Media
Charles H Bertie, City Librarian, 1925-1927 Media
Charles Herbert Reserve Entity
Charles Kerry and Company Entity
Charles Leon, Col Hardy, Charles Perkins, Lazarus Lami Lami, Ted Noffs in Martin Place for National Aborigines Day 13 July 1962 Media
Charles Meere Contributor
Charles Montgomery (alias Thomas Millidge, Charles Buck and Charles Millige) Darlinghurst Gaol 9 March 1894 Media
Charles Parbury's yacht Xarifa c1863 Media
Charles Robert Grimes, Lieutenant of the 50th Regiment 1840 Media
Charles Street wharf Parramatta Entity
Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant on her arrival in Sydney, May 1922 Media
Charles, Prince of Wales Entity
Charlesworth, William Entity
Charlish, Elijah Entity
Charlotte Entity
Charlotte Entry
Charlotte & Scarbro' came through this passage, Chatham Islands 1788 Media
Charlotte ferry Entity
Charlotte Medal Entity
Charlton, Andrew (Boy) Entity
Charlton, Elizabeth Entity
Charlton, Matthew Entity
Charlton, William Apedaile Entity
Chart of Port Jackson 1788 Entity
Chart of the South Atlantic with the track of the Sirius 1787-1788 Media
Charter of Justice 1814 Entity
Charting the Sydney Harbour Shoreline Entry
Chartres, George Entity
Chasecote Entity
Chater, Gordon Entity
Chatfield, Bradley Entity
Chatham Farm Entity
Chatham Village Entity
Chatswood Entity
Chatswood (North Shore Railway Estate), for auction sale on the ground by Richardson & Wrench Saturday May 8th 1897 at 3.30 pm Media
Chatswood Post Office Entity
Chatswood post office 1901 Media