The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Child Welfare Act 1939 Entity
Child Welfare Department Entity
Child, William Knox Entity
Child-Villiers, Victor Albert (Lord Jersey) Entity
Children of Mary Entity
Childs, Joshua Entity
Chilton, Frederick Entity
China-Australia Mail Steamship Line Entity
Chinamans Beach Entity
Chinatown Entity
Chinese Australian Herald Entity
Chinese Australian Historical Society Entity
Chinese Australian Times Entity
Chinese Consulate Entity
Chinese Empire Reform Association Entity
Chinese Festival 1938 Entity
Chinese Garden of Friendship Entity
Chinese Market Gardens site Matraville Entity
Chinese Masonic Society Entity
Chinese Nationalist Party of Australia building Entity
Chinese New Year Entity
Chinese Presbyterian Church Entity
Chinese Restriction and Regulation Act 1888 Entity
Chinese Seamen's Union Entity
Chinese Times Entity
Chinese Womens Association of Australia Entity
Chinese Youth League Entity
Chippendale Entity
Chippendale, William Entity
Chipping Norton Entity
Chipping Norton Lakes Entity
Chirgwin, GH Entity
Chisholm, Caroline Entity
Chisholm, James Entity
Chiswick Entity
Chorley, William Entity
Chowder Bay Entity
Choy, Howard Entity
Christ Church Anglican church Gladesville Entity
Christ Church St Laurence Entity
Christian Concert Company Entity
Christian Endeavour Union Entity
Christian, Emily Entity
Christian, Mary Ellen Entity
Christiansen, Agnes Christina Entity
Christo Entity
Chrysanthopoulos, Leonidas Entity
Chuey, James Entity
Chulaparambil, Alexander Entity
Chullora Entity