The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
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'The difficulties that beset the paths of working mothers'
Arriving at nursery school, October 1939, courtesy National Library of Australia ( It was International Women's Day on Sunday 8 March, so this week I thought we could reflect on how women have worked together to improve their lives in Sydney. …

International Women's Day
Three members of the Women's Emergency Signalling Corps, l-r Violet McKenzie, Pat McInnes, Esme Kura Murrell c1940, courtesy Australian War Memorial P02583.001 As it's International Women's Day this Friday, today I thought it would be good to highlight the lives and…

International Women's Day 2018
Louisa Lawson, aged 50 c1898 courtesy Dixson Library, State Library of NSW (DL PX 158, 24) March 8 is International Women's Day and today Lisa and Nic looked at three very different women who have shaped Sydney's history, culture and society. Listen…

International Women's Day
Violet McKenzie with wireless c1922. 1920 - 1926 Reproduced courtesy of the Ex-Wrans Association NSW. March 8 is International Women's Day. And what better way to celebrate the day than to look back and acknowledge the extraordinary contribution women have made…