The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.


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Title Type
Cornwell, George William
Coromandel Ship
Corona and Hygeia Randwick Residential block
Coronation Bay Locality
Coronation Playground Park or open space
Coroner's Court, The Rocks MorgueCourt
Coroners' Act 1898 Legislation
Coroners' Act 1901 No 54 Legislation
Coroners' Act 1912 No 30 Legislation
Coroners' Bail for Manslaughter Act of 1861 No 15a Legislation
Coroner’s Act 2009 Legislation
Corrective Services NSW State or colonial government
Corringham, Mary
Corris, Peter
Corstorphine Farm
Cosh, Thomas Frame
Cossar, William
Cossiga, Francesco
Costanzo, Evasio
Cotsis, Sophie
Cottage of Content Hotel Hotel
Cottage Point Suburb
Cottier, Keith
Cotton, Ann
Cotton, Emma
Cotton, Frank
Cotton, Frank Stanley
Cotton, Leo Arthur
Cotton, Olive Edith
Cotton, Sarah
Coughlan, Frank James
Council of Concord Local government
Council of Education State or colonial government
Council of Social Service of New South Wales Nonprofit or charity
Countess of Harcourt Ship
Country Women's Association Society or association
Country Women's Association Residential Club Residential block
County of Cumberland County
County of Cumberland Plan Report or plan
County of Cumberland Planning Scheme State or colonial government
Courtenay, Bryce
Courts of General and Quarter Sessions Legal organisation
Cousins, Arthur
Couvret, Paul
Covell, Roger
Cowan Suburb
Cowan & Israel Commercial organisation
Cowan Bank rail accident 6 May 1990 Transport disaster
Cowan Creek River or creek
Cowan, Theodora Esther (Theo)