Dictionary of Sydney

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.


South-western suburb based around the town founded by Governor Lachlan Macquarie in 1810, which remained a satellite town of Sydney until suburban development incorporated it into the city in the mid-twentieth century.

28 Apr 1818
09 Apr 1860
Administered by
Part of

Liverpool Internment Camp during World War II

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The Liverpool Internment Camp at Moorebank commenced on 15 October 1939 under the direct control of the Australian Army Base at Victoria Barracks, Sydney. When larger camps were built at Orange and Hay in 1940 the camp was closed, however, after eight months it was re-opened for internees in transit to other states and as a holding camp for 'special internees' including members of the Australia First Movement.

Transcript: Mrs Elsie Collimore remembers scenes from the Liverpool soldiers' riot of 1916

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Mrs Elsie Collimore was born in 1906 and was interviewed in 1986 for the 'Looking Back at Liverpool: An Oral History of the Liverpool Region 1900 to 1960' project. Here she remembers scenes from Liverpool during World War I, including the now famous soldiers' riot of 1916.

Transcript: Miss Elizabeth Killinger talks about anti-German sentiment during World War I

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Miss Elizabeth Killinger was born in 1899 and was interviewed in 1986 for the 'Looking Back at Liverpool: An Oral History of the Liverpool Region 1900 to 1960.' Her family was of German extraction and she talks here about anti-German sentiment during World War I.
